How to reset Wordpress website from the hosting dashboard? Print

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To reset a WordPress password from Plesk, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Plesk and go to the "Websites & Domains" section.
  2. Select the website that contains the WordPress installation for which you want to reset the password.
  3. Click on the "WordPress" icon under the "Applications" section.
  4. Click on the "Change Password" button next to the user account for which you want to reset the password.
  5. Enter the new password in the "New Password" and "Confirm Password" fields, and then click "OK" to save the changes.

Alternatively, you can also reset the password using the WordPress database:

  1. Log into your Plesk account
  2. Go to "Databases" and select the database for your WordPress site.
  3. Click on the "phpMyAdmin" button.
  4. In the left sidebar, click on the "wp_users" table.
  5. Locate the user account for which you want to reset the password and click on the "Edit" button.
  6. In the "user_pass" field, enter the new password in the "Function" field and select "MD5" from the list.
  7. Click "Go" to save the changes.

Please be aware that resetting the password via the database will only work if you have the correct database credentials set in your wp-config.php file and also you should have PhpMyAdmin access in your Plesk account.


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